We are seven weeks away from #ONA15 and our fourth ever Midway, an open space for journalists to explore new tools and play with interactive landscapes. Leading up to the conference, the ONA15 blog will feature details about the 25+ start-ups, nonprofits, organizations, universities and founders of cutting-edge technologies participating in this year’s Midway.

Meet the Midway . . .

  • Automated Insights (Ai) turns Big Data into written reports with the depth of analysis, personality and variability of a human writer. The company’s patented Wordsmith platform can automate 2,000 stories per second, generating customized content on an unprecedented scale.
    http://AutomatedInsights.com / @AInsights
  • Banjo for Media allows you to see content from the scene of any event in the world, as it’s happening, without hashtags or keywords to aid your search. Banjo’s discovery, validation and publishing tools can place you anywhere in the world to access real-time content from news as it happens.
    http://ban.jo / @banjo
  • Maps4news is an online mapping tool used by journalists and news organizations. From basic story locators to data-rich interactive maps, it’s an easy online tool for making beautiful custom tailored maps. You get high-quality web- and vector maps in seconds for your print and online publications.
    http://maps4news.com / @maps4news
  • Muck Rack is used by journalists to build their portfolio, get verified in Muck Rack’s authoritative directory, track the impact of their work, keep up with news about their colleagues and find career opportunities.
  • Rivet provides customized audio for multiple distribution channels. Rivet has grown from iPhone, Android and car apps into a platform powering the global Audio of Things for millions of listeners.
    http://rivetnewsradio.com / @RivetRadio
  • USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism is an innovative, comprehensive school within a networked university in the heart of the most global city in the U.S. USC Annenberg is a national leader in education and scholarship in the fields of communication, journalism, public diplomacy and public relations.
    http://annenberg.usc.edu / @USCAnnenberg

Keep following #ONA15 blog “Meet the Midway” and watch for conference news on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram  via the #ONA15 hashtag.

Special thanks to the ONA15 Midway Co-Patron:





-Christine Johnson, #ONA15 Midway Producer