This session is sponsored by Command and CTRL
Data journalism starts with the basics. And knowing the basic commands can help you navigate directories, create files and work with data tools like a boss. .Note: please bring your laptop and charger to this session. While this session is intended for beginners / intermediate users, we ask that you have the standard terminal applications for your machine open and ready at the start of the session to save time. Instructions are below.The code repository for this session can be found here.
If you're using Mac OS or Linux you'll be OK with the standard terminal application.
- On Mac OS click on the spotlight search on the topright of your screen, type "terminal" and open the CLI.
- Many Mac OS users use an application called iTerm2 which offers additonal features.
- On a Windows machine you can open the CLI by opening the Start Menu and clicking the Run item. In the box that appears, type the letters cmd. This should open up your CLI.
- Windows users also have the option of installing Cygwin which brings the Unix CLI to Windows. You will want to make sure that curl is installed.
- On a Windows machine you can also install VirtualBox and Vagrant to get an *nix machine up and running. That is beyond the scope of this session.

Chris Keller - Data Editor/News Applications Developer, KPCC (Southern California Public Radio)
ChrisLKeller | http://www.scpr.org/about/people/staff/chris-keller

AJ Vicens - Reporter, Mother Jones
AJVicens | http://www.motherjones.com/

Jue Yang - Technologist in Residence, CUNY Graduate School of Journalism
jue_yang | http://www.journalism.cuny.edu/2014/12/jue-yang-takes-new-role-j-schools-first-technologist-residence/