Over the last decade, hackers have joined the ranks of newsrooms large and small, non-profits and for-profits. We now have many tribes of news nerds, journo-hackers, data wranglers and user experience researchers. Is there a job description that actually details what we do? What are the ingredients of a successful team? We’ll discuss titles, salary, teams and other murky but critical questions in the journalism and developer communities.
Check out the News Nerd Survey from this session here: https://github.com/kleinmatic/news-nerd-survey
Note: we work hard to provide audio recordings for most sessions, but were unable to provide it for this session due to technical difficulties. Please find coverage provided by our social team below.

Scott Klein - Assistant Managing Editor, ProPublica
kleinmatic | http://www.propublica.org/nerds/

Brian Hamman - Executive Director of Technology, New Digital Products, The New York Times
hamman | http://www.nytimes.com

Erika Owens - Program Manager, Knight-Mozilla OpenNews
erika_owens | http://erikaowens.com